Full- or part-time childcare
The permanent nanny is placed in the family for full-time or part-time childcare for an indefinite period.
The nanny takes over all delegated task which are related to day-to-day life of the children, for example: Guarantee of a stable
everyday life, preparing meals, personal hygiene, grocery shopping, driving them to school or activities, playing, assisting with homework, nursing, tidying the
children's rooms, organizing birthday parties etc.
Dependent on the needs of the family and the specific settings, the nanny can live in or live out. Of course, the nanny is available for
overnight-stays in case of absence of the parents.
If reasonable due to the timely conditions, there is also the possibility to share a permanent nanny with another family.
+ Family assistance
In families with children in school age, the permanent nanny can additionally be assigned as a family assistant.
While the children are at school or at other facilities, the nanny relieves the family by taking over logistical and organizational as well
as administrative tasks.
- The nanny has computer skills (e.g. Microsoft Word), is capable of the appropriate social and professional appearance, knows and understands the processes as well
as the etiquette.
Typical tasks are running errands, administrative services as well as office work, mailing, payment of invoices, organization of travelling
and tickets, coordination of appointments, housekeeping and coordination of other staff.
You are looking for a permanent nanny? Register as a
family now or contact us directly!